Dear friends,
We are seeking support from practitioners with catering experience who are called to service in support of the Dharma and the planet. As a not-for profit, at Gaia Forest we offer our events at what we hope is an affordable base cost. This covers the unavoidable expenses like transport, food and accommodation. Teachings are offered on a donation basis to keep events both accessible and aligned with the ancient tradition of dana (generosity). There are two payed roles; admin and caterer, but both call also on a spirit of seva (service) and the understanding that as a team member we draw part of our reward from the dharma teachings offered, and the nourishment of community practice. As such the catering role is one which often attracts cooks with a strong interest and background in meditation and/or yoga.
We are currently operating in Australia, in the mid and central coast and hinterlands of NSW. Further events are planned elsewhere in the near future. Our nature immersion retreats typically take place in National Park campgrounds in these regions, over three nights and two full days, with a half day either side. The team and participants are all accommodated in their own tents. All practice together to co-create a safe, conducive and harmonious environment for the cultivation of mindfulness, calm and insight, in the context of beautiful wild nature and community connection. The cook’s role in this is central, as the kitchen is the hub of any community, so their practice of mindfulness, calm, kindness and compassion is both valued and called upon.
To find out more, including how to apply, please download the catering information document here:
To subscribe to updates, please visit our newsletter page.
Look forward to hearing from you soon!
Br. Tenzin