Myth and Memory

And I come to the fields and spacious palaces of my memory, where are the treasures of innumerable images, brought into it from things of all sorts perceived by the senses“. St Augustine, Confessions, Book X

An oral tradition for 2.5 thousand years, Buddhism relies much on memory. A few years ago I stumbled on Lynne Kelly’s fascinating book: The Memory Code. I’m posting here resources relating to theory and practice of remembering. See also this excellent article summarising Lynne Kelly’s thesis here in Cosmos magazine

  • Learning Chinese characters
    This book uses ancient memory techniques as described in Lynne Kelly’s “Memory Code” specifically visual association and and story-telling methods. In my opinion the idea is good, but the execution may be overly complex. I find better recall if I derive my own images and make stories with whatever association is spontaneous and natural.